Entries by Felix

Deployed submariner loses a round in custody battle | Navy Times | navytimes.com

Deployed submariner loses a round in custody battle | Navy Times | navytimes.com. I have been tracking this case since it started.  The father is a submariner in the US Navy.  That means one or two times a year, he will get into a submarine and disappear for months at a time. He does not […]

How to Plan for a Divorce – WSJ

Though this article is written for people generally and needs some fine-tuning for California, it is the best I have seen in years related to pre-divorce planning. In addition to these steps, someone wanting to prepare for or initiate a divorce in California needs to consider several other issues, including establishing the date of separation, […]

The Sacramento Bee: EDD Denies Valid Unemployment Claims

From the Sacramento Bee. According to an auditor, the EDD has been denying unemployment benefits in thousands of cases where the employees’ claims were fully justified, only to have the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board overturn the agency’s decision to deny benefits later. What does this mean for parties involved in an unemployment claim? It […]